SoCIETIE Initiative courses are open to students from any degree who are seeking to create positive change in their communities.

Join the next cohort#

Express your interest in being part of SoCIETIE @ McCusker Institute.

SoCIETIE @ ANU McCusker Institute#

The SoCIETIE Initiative at the McCusker Institute champions…

  • Social
  • Change,
  • Impact,
  • Engagement,
  • Transformation,
  • Inclusion &
  • Equity

..through an inclusive and flexible curriculum model.

The SoCIETIE Initiative cultivates the skillsets and mindsets to tackle complex challenges, from local community issues to global concerns. In a transdisciplinary learning environment, students, academics and practitioners will learn from each other to deepen our understanding of the world and turn knowledge into actions through collaboration with partners in the community sector and beyond.

Future Offerings#

The SoCIETIE Initiative courses will be offered in Semester 1 and Semester 2 annually. Further offerings may be available as the program is established.

Vice-Chancellor’s Courses#

The VC’s Courses ran between 2009 and 2024 and have now been retired. With the introduction of the ANU Graduate Attributes into the 2025 curriculum, the AATD [ANU (Graduate) Attribute - Transdisciplinary] subject area replaces the VCUG code, and have been brought under the umbrella of the SoCIETIE Initiative.

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